The Lily
A large and above-average beautiful flower with a stunningly sweet scent, gracefully shaped leaves and strong, handsome buds connect the lily to one of the most impressive flowers in the northern hemisphere. Their stunning beauty has enchanted the most diverse races for thousands of years. Over time, sheer admiration turned into a symbolic cultural asset, which gives the lily the meaning it has for us today. Even with the ancient Romans and Greeks, the flower was seen as a symbol of purity, love and fertility. (…) Purity, love and innocence can also play a big role in parting. When a loved one dies, a new stage begins for him and the bereaved. Every end is always a new beginning and thus the white lily stands for funerals and graves for an impartial “pure” new start. It stands for the end of mutual relationships and their consequences with the deceased person and heralds a neutrality. The end of good and bad things, and consequently a return of innocence, is represented by the white and beauty of the lily.
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